5 Minute Friday: Lonely

August 9, 2013 at 6:13 pm | Posted in 5 Minute Friday, Alone | 7 Comments

It’s Friday!  I’ve been gone most of the week and haven’t blogged much but here I am!

To learn how to play along, please check out Lisa Jo Baker’s Blog, Tales from a Gypsy Mama.5-minute-friday-1This week’s word is:  LONELY

Oh, my, yes, I know what this word means.  There have been so many times that I have felt lonely.  Even in a crowd of people, it can hit me.  I’m lonely.

When I’m separated from my beloved, I am so lonely.  This past week, I had to get a shingles vaccination; because he’s on chemo, and because the virus is live, I could not be with him for fear that he could contract shingles.

I spent the previous three days with my mom and could not be at home with my beloved.  We spoke on the phone, two or three times a day, most definitely in the morning (good morning!) and at night (good night, sweet dreams!).  I was so glad to be home today.  Things are right in my universe again.

I try not to project, not to think about the future but sometimes it’s impossible….living daily with his cancer and the prognosis….every day is a blessing and a gift and we try to not take each other for granted.  Whatever will I do without him?  How will I be able to go on?  Will I be able to?

Yes and it will be because God will be with me, carrying me along.  I think of the “FOOTPRINTS” poem by Mary Stevenson.  I know that whenever I am alone, God will carry me.

No matter how lonely I am, I’m never alone.



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  1. What a difficult reality you are in. And the words might seem trite, but it is so truth – Our God will carry you through it because His love is greater than we could ever imagine. That is the truth that will carry you on this path.


    • Thank you, Marissa 🙂

      Yes, He will carry us through and somehow, I will survive. Another blessing is that I know that one day, we will be reunited.

  2. Hi Patty! So nice to have found each other via Lisa Jo’s FMF! You are going through some big challenges, but I know you will make it through. I love the footprints poem. I thought of it when I took that picture I used in my post today because it only had one set of footprints in the sand. Stay strong. 🙂

    • Thanks for your sweet remarks and for following me back 🙂


  3. Oh, Patty, you are walking a hard road. I’m praying for you and your beloved. You are so wise to recognize that ALONE and LONELY are two totally different things. I’m SO thankful that we’re never alone. Glad we were neighbors at FMF.

    • Thank you, Alicia, for your kind words and for visiting me!


  4. Thanks for your kind words and for visiting me, Alicia 🙂


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