
September 27, 2010 at 10:32 pm | Posted in Panic Attacks Stink, Stress Stinks! | Leave a comment

Monday, Monday…

What a busy day!

Woke up, showered and dressed and got myself ready. Then woke up Daniel so he could do the same. We each had cereal for breakfast then I took him to school. After dropping him off, I went to the bank and got money for gas, ran to Walmart and then was on my way home. I was on Farm Road 1100 when I glanced over to the right field and saw a doe with twin fawns. Beautiful!

Not much further down the road, I started having chest pains. Squeezing and hard pains! They scared me. I drove down to Farm Road 2030 and turned left, towards home and called Ron. He immediately jumped in his truck and came to me. We sat together and he tried to calm me down then drove me home. I’ve got Ativan for anxiety so he gave me one and I lay down to rest for a while.

Finally I got up around 11 am and felt better. I had an appointment to see my doctor in Springfield and since this was the second time this has happened in a week, decided to keep the appointment. He put me on Effexor. I have to wean myself off of my Cymbalta starting tonight and start the Effexor once in the morning for a week and gradually build it up to one in the morning and two at night.

He listened to what I described and told me it was a panic attack. He said it wasn’t surprising that I could have one or more, since I’m under stress. He said to keep taking Ativan until the Effexor is built up in my system (could take two weeks).


I hate panic attacks. I haven’t had any in over 13 years…

Oh well. Life stinks sometimes.

~ Patty

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